Wednesday 2 January 2013

Post Production Questionnaire And Results

The Ancillory Tasks Feedback

The Trailer Feeback 


After watching the trailer:

1) Do you feel the trailer was effective?

Emily: "Yeah it is effective, it looks like a horror movie trailer and it did scare me at the end, the fast montage is really good"

Joseph: "I think it is very effective it makes me actually want to watch the film"

Rebecca: "Yeah it is really effective especially in the build up to the last sequence, I thought it was really interesting and the effects you made for the news section was good, the sting was good too"

Pooja: "Yeah I think it is effective for a horror movie trailer, because it has a lot of jumpy moments"

2) What do you feel the narrative is?

Emily: "Well I’m quite sure there is a woman, who kills people in her family, and then she gets taken by the police, and gets taken to a mental hospital, then her daughter goes to collect her and the doctor tells her she is fine and doesn't have schizophrenia. She then brings her back to the home and weird stuff starts to happen, so i am guessing they are going to die"

Joseph: "The narrative shows me that after the women comes out of hospital, her family realise she is a bit different and a bit possessed"

Rebecca: "The woman kills someone and gets taken to a mental hospital because they think she is schizophrenic"

Pooja: "A woman who murdered her family except her daughter and her daughter gets her from the mental hospital, and the boyfriend realises something is wrong and then weird occurrences start happening”

3) What genre would you say this is and why?

Emily:"Supernatural, it was the whole montage, you would think it is slasher at the beginning because she kills someone and then you think she is going to go on a killing spree but then you realise its supernatural because she is in a white gown, she’s very pale, and she does weird movements, it's like the exorcism"

Joseph: "Supernatural, it is definitely a horror film, but i would say supernatural, the talking at the beginning about her being schizophrenic helped and at the end the quick shots and movements of the woman gave the genre away"

Rebecca: "Supernatural/psychological because the weird happenings like the door and the curtain sections, and psychological because of the schizophrenia"

Pooja: "Supernatural because even from the beginning when the camera zoomed in on her eyes you could tell there was something wrong with her and her pale face"

4) Do you think the camera/lighting/editing/mise en scene were used effectively?

Emily: "Definitely, especially in the montage which is the best bit, the editing is really fast and sharp and you don't know exactly what you see, the lighting is good because its dark and you can't quite make up what is there, and at the beginning its a narrative it builds up, with eerie music which makes you realise not everything is ok"

Joseph: "It was brilliant, the end when there quick cuts and eerie music built up tension well"

Rebecca: "Yeah i think so you has loads of good moving camera shots, lighting was good because ti was dark but you could see what was going on, the lighting was especially good when she was getting into the police car"

Pooja: "I thought camera lighting and sound stood out for me, because i really liked the lullaby sound it was creepy, and the strobe effect you had in the montage was really good"

5) Do you feel the actors were suitable?

Emily: "Yeah most of the time, in terms of acting, abilities range, but yeah having a girl who is a strong character and a man who is protecting her, but he looks like he will probably die, i think there should be more characters"

Joseph: "The actors were brilliant, you had two people that were worried about the possessed woman, and they showed that, and the woman herself did really well in acting possessed"

Rebecca: "Yeah the woman looked old so they transformation fromt he 15 years was good, and the other two were good young adults"

Pooja: "The actor playing the possessed woman was really good because she looked old and creepy"

6) What could be improved?

Emily: " It drags a bit when it opens with the BBC thing, and at the begin the build up is slow it could be better coming into the scenes, even thought i don't like horror movies, I would be interested to see what happens"

Joseph: "At the start it was a bit slow, and at the end there was a lot of tension, so if it was evened out a bit more it would have been better"

Rebecca: "I think at the beginning the sound could have been improved especially the voice over’s because sometimes i couldn't hear it properly"

Pooja: "Maybe a few more proper jumpy moments, the trailer was spooky but nothing made me really jump"

After receiving this feedback, it has made up happy with our final product for many reasons. Firstly, they thought the trailer was effective and they said it would encourage them to watch the movie, which obviously means our trailer effectively interests our target audience. Our narrative also came across well from our trailer, all candidates understood the narrative fully which means that we structured our trailer to a high standard in order to give away an acceptable amount of the narrative without spoiling the film. Our sub genre has also been recognised by our target audience, they said elements such as costume, make up and the editing in the trailer allowed them to realise the genre and it really effectively showed this. This shows that we were able to use supernatural codes and convections to create an effective media piece. Our focus group said the editing in the fast montage was the most effective element of the trailer, because it really captured the disturbing nature of the main character and they also felt that the tension was built up well. This shows us that the editing was well put together, and we were able to build up tension within our trailer, and create an effective fast montage. The actors were suitable, according to our target audience, obviously as Emily said they acting ability does range, however they did a good job. Obviously, we were very limited to actors, therefore it was a last minute decision, but I feel that our actors were able to effectively play a role. The start of our trailer was the main criticism and how it drags, compared to the end of the trailer. This will allow us to go back over our trailer and maybe make some changed to add more moments of tension into the first half of the trailer in order to make a smoother transition between the start and finish of the trailer.

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