Tuesday 23 October 2012

Overview of horror movie posters

All of the movie posters had a main image, which indicates that this is an important feature of a movie poster, in order to encourage the audience to watch the movie. The main image also catches the attention of the audience first, if the image is disturbing, such as the possession film poster, it is more likely to catch their attention. The colours on a horror movie poster tend to be dark, dull colours, which include, black, grey, or white. This sets an atmosphere of a horror movie because colours such as black and red connote death, which is a key feature of a horror movie. The film title was displayed on each poster, which is an obvious element so the movie is recognized. If the movie was very well known, it may be less necessary for the title to be displayed on the poster, however there will be some members of the pubic who would not have seen the movies before therefore would need the title in order to recognise it. The date of release was only found on half of the film posters, this may indicate that the movie may not be coming for a few more months, or will leave the audience to be surprised when it is out. This could also encourage the audience to go independently find out when the movie is going to be released which shows that have an interest in the movie. Institutional information was found on the majority of the posters, this may be because, if a well known actor who is very popular is starring in the movie, it will encourage people to watch the movie because of their status and reputation. The layout of all the posters are all similar because the main image for all posters take up the whole frame, and the title of the movie, apart from grave encounters, is placed along the bottom of the page. The institutional information is also placed at the very bottom of the page because it is the least appealing section on the poster. All of the movie posters i looked at had a tagline, this shows that taglines can attract audiences to watch a movie, because it may creep them out, or just be very memorable. All of the taglines have some sort of link to the title of the movie, for example "no soul is safe" for the devil inside poster anchors the plot of the movie, maybe people are in danger due to the devil. Horror movie posters tend to have a medium shot or close up of the main antagonist in order to scare the audience. Supernatural movie posters tend to have the main antagonist, or a still from the movie because it gives a sense of realism. On the posters that i have over looked, three of them have close up/medium shots of characters from the film, and the other three have long shots, that are stills from the movie itself. The possession poster has used a very grotesque image, which really shows the horror element to the film. The devil inside and drag me to hell posters are showing some form of possession taking place, which reflects the sub genre of the movie. Mise en scene has not been used in all of the above posters, however on The Unborn poster, a mirror has been used, which shows another figure in the frame, and this adds to the horror element. Drag me to hell has the location in the background of the frame, which shows an isolated house, again adding to the horror genre. The titles of the movies are all in upper case letters, which makes them bold, and more likely to be seen, and this the case for all of the posters above. All of the words used for the titles are words associated with spirits  the devil or death, which are common words associated with the horror genre, this again helps establish genre. Each title only consists of very few words, between one and four words, and this is in order to make the title easy to remember.

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