Wednesday 24 October 2012

Tagline Ideas

Approaching the tagline for this film, we already had a clear idea for the narrative and film title, so the tagline had to tie in with both neatly. The primary idea was to have a theme of curing, healing and saving that is commonly tied to people with a possession; the idea of salvation. We also tried to connect the family aspect and came up with “How do you protect yourself from your own family?”, “Mother’s coming to visit. Forever.”,Eternal damnation is hereditary.” and “A mother’s vendetta.”. After deliberating each of these, they were all ruled out though. The first, second and fourth seemed far too much like that of the slasher genre, and the third just did not fit in with our narrative as the possession does not pass down through generations. “The darkness wants you.” also did not quite fit the narrative as whilst the “darkness” is driving the mother to attack her daughter and her family, the tagline is slightly ambiguous in that it seems as if the daughter is in danger of being possessed, and that is not in the story-line. From that we came up with “They thought she was better, but she can’t be healed.”, but it seemed far too long as we wanted to keep the tagline short like the title. Upon that decision, we tried shortening it to just the last 4 words “She can’t be saved.”. As of there, we tried “cured” and “healed”, but decided that “cured” was in fact the best fit and so our tagline is “She can’t be cured.

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