Saturday 6 October 2012

Questionaire Results

The results show that we had an even amount of males and females who completed our questionnaire. We decided to use to equal amount of males and females, because our horror movie is not only aimed at men, but a small majority of females as well.

15-19 was the most common age bracket, therefore shows that teenagers are a main audience for the horror genre, and allows us to create a trailer that will satisfy this age group.

Other genres included bollywood and animation

This question generated a range of results, comedy and crime thriller scored the highest, which implies that these sub genres could be incorporated within the horror genre to make it more enjoyable or to create a more captivating narrative. 

The people that were asked this questionnaire picked "Orphan" as their favourite horror movie. Orphan is a psychological horror movie and so we could use some elements from the movie such as sound effects and cuts that will make our target audience like our movie trailer. Regarding the fact that Orphan was the audience most favourite movie, our movie will feature an antagonist which is thought to be psychotic and so there is potential for our target audience to like the film we are creating since we give off slight disturbed elements like the ones  in Orphan.

·         Please state two reasons for your choice.

o   The Exorcist: It was cool when the bed started moving by itself and it was the first horror movie that I watched

o   The Sixth Sense: The twist in the narrative, e.g. that Bruce Willis’ character is dead, and the delicious scare created by the haunting.

o   What Lies Beneath: The plot is interesting and has an unexpected twist. The way the Director builds tension is excellent.

o   Dead Silence: The idea of inanimate objects being alive, the story-line and the plot twists.

o   Orphan: A lot of horror movies aren’t directed as well as this one, in my opinion, and the story is good and thought provoking.

o   Orphan: The different storyline; the kid is 30ish years old! The setting was good.

o   Orphan: Made me jump and was a good story line.

o   The Ring: Psychological terror rather than gore. Plays on fundamental fears, having limited time to live etc.

o   Saw: Scary and gruesome.

o   Saw: It’s gruesome and it makes me laugh.

o   Disturbia: Good story line and kept me on the edge of my seat.

o   Final Destination 5: The creative deaths and the unpredictable test.

o   Paranormal Activity: Realistic imagery and incredibly frightening.

o   Blair Witch Project: Interesting plot. The way the movie is presented, with point-of-view camera, makes it seem more realistic.

o   The Orphanage: Because it keeps you in suspense throughout, and the ending is predictable.

o   28 Days Later: I love zombie films, it’s awesome.

o   None: I prefer comedy films; the characters annoy me when they don’t help themselves by running upstairs or locking themselves in a room.

o   None: I don’t watch horror because they are too scary.

Other: Friends

·         If anything, what makes horror movies less appealing to you?

o   Nothing.

o   If a horror has too much gore and is too silly and/or predictable, I won’t enjoy it.

o   Gallons of blood and gore.

o   It’s scary.

o   The fact that characters don’t help themselves by running upstairs and locking themselves in a room.

o   Predictability

o   Poor ratings and reviews.

o   Excessive gore overtaking story-telling.

o   The constant need for scenes to be ever more gory then the last, and the fact that I watch a movie to be cheer up and possibly excited, not scared and frightened by what will be coming next, therefore making me not watch on.

o   Storylines which don’t make sense.

o   The actors.

o   A poor storyline.

o   Typical horror film narrative.

o   Too much blood cliché.

o   Unrealistic such as aliens.

o   They’re scary.

o   Ones that scare me thoroughly and give me nightmares.

o   A bad storyline.

o   They’re too twisted and give me nightmares.
The possession clearly has the best effect on the audience which shows that grotesque imagery and disturbing images frighten the audience.

·         Amityville

o   The bright red writing. The creepy image of the house and the man makes you want to know more.

o   Looks dark and scary. The house looks like a face.

o   It shows a character from the film. The image effect is awesome.

o   Dark and grainy. Context and font.

o   Simplicity and the colours used.

·         House

o   The use of reflection plus the view through the window adding effect to the poster. Plus giving you a better understanding on what the movie is going to be about. The colour is not just a simple black, the use of black, grey, and white makes the situation in the poster stand out, and those looking for something other than a dark, scary film will go straight towards the centre one without a look at the others.

o   Simple, but it gives all the information needed. Doesn’t overwhelm you.

o   Creepy.

o   Because it looks scary.

·         Possession

o   The image combined with the name suggests a narrative involving character possessed by the spirits/the devil; I prefer supernatural horrors and find them the scariest. The reference to it being based on a ‘true story’.

o   The subject appears isolated, adding to the fear factor. The bright light draws your attention.

o   Draws attention to one part of the poster. Simple.

o   It’s very contrasty. The person isn’t standing normally, like they’re distorted.

o   The character looks freaky/scary. The darkness creates scary mood.

o   Stands out more than the other two. It’s not as typical as the other two.

o   Looks appealing and seems horrific

o   Shows a solitary figure in dark which creates interest. Isn’t as cliché.

o   The lighting. The person has no human elements.

o   The lighting hides any human features and the font is effective.

·         The lack of colours gives it a creepy feel and combined with the light and her clothing make her seem ghost like.

Sound has been voted the  most effective within a trailer, which allows us as practitioners to take this and use sound to frighten our audience. 

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