Wednesday 24 October 2012


This image is of the main hallway in the apartment where we are filming, The hallway is used a lot within our trailer because we feel it is a typical location for a horror based within a household. The hallway is used multiple times within our trailer, for example we see Ella running through the hallway, and we also get a shot of William walking down and seeing Mary in the bedroom. 

This image is in the far corner of the living room in the apartment we used to film. For our trailer we used this area for the mental hospital scene, where Ella comes to collect her mother who is now being released. Mary is sitting in a rocking chair facing this window when Ella comes to get her.

This image shows the bedroom in the apartment we are filming in. This bedroom is int he trailer a few times where we see Mary settling in to her new home. The bedroom is also significant in the trailer because it is the first place we see a disruption within the trailer. 

The kitchen is used within our trailer showing Ella and William discussing Mary, and how they think there is something seriously wrong with her. We feel that the kitchen is very modern which fits our modern horror movie. 

These are a few photos that we took of our main location, which is inside a house. Due to our trailer being based mostly in a house, we feel that it should be a modern day house, with a few antiques that give it that edge. There is a bedroom, which is important for our trailer because we have a really good scene to shoot in there, and we also feel that the hallway has a really creepy feel to it, because it is long and dark. The window view is a great shot, because this is where the main antagonist will be sitting, on her rocking chair as a part of the trailer. We still have more locations to explore, and we will be visiting these locations soon in order to photograph them. The bathroom is going to be used for our sting at the end of the trailer, we feel if we took all the colourful things out, it would be a good place to film.

This is a quick video of our schools hallway which we would like to use for the metal home's hallway. We would have to take off the colourful board sign, so that it looks less like a school and more of a hospital. we have chosen this area because there is a lot of iconography of horror such as the cross at the start of the video, the statue of Jesus and also the doors and hallway looks like a hospital.

This again is a quick shot of a hallway in our school, we can use this also for our horror trailer as the metal hospital hallway, it has colourful pictures but we can use it in the dark.

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